Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Letters to Society xoxo

Dear Michael Douglas,
I'm just gonna throw it out there: were you really licking that much p*$&y?  Let's be honest...I've seen "Hall Pass" and I'm calling your bluff...(youtube)
Dear Parochial Schools,
In the midst of this Church-and-State chaos, the gay rights battlefield, and Tom Cruise, you've managed to stay true to our school-uniformed youth. I applaud you.  But never you mind on the sex education.  Quick fact check (aka Google.) ...nowhere does the Bible state that 'spanking the monkey' is a mortal sin.  Wouldn't Tim Tebow be spewing splooge from his ears by now if that were the case?
Dear Rebel Wilson,
Bitch, you cray!  Right on. (youtube)
**Ever had that moment of sinking fear when you know you've left your phone unlocked and unsecured? As it stands, I may have out-Googled myself. My phone will need to be destroyed n the event of unexpected fatalities.  PIC, you know what to do.

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