Friday, April 5, 2013

The Laundry Room: I can only afford one horse

I was watching The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills at my parent's the other night.  I'm not ashamed.

It was the season recap.  Therefore: one decent looking dude surrounded by plastic molds of human beings. It's excellent.  Have you seen these ladies?  I haven't lived with cable for a year (true scoop), so I'm pretty much a reality tv born-again.  I'm on overdrive.

So one chick is a recovering addict with eyes going in different directions, and another was almost to pieces because nobody "knows how hard it is to only be able to afford ONE horse for your daughter, most girls have four!"


Why does it matter if your daughter has but one horse?  Once she figures out how to mount and ride the real beast, that pony is going to spend a lot of lonely nights in the barn.  Your high school sport and girls' nights and ice cream are all great til you discover The D.  Then it's stop, drop, and ice your knees.

Consider that mystery de-funked.  NEXT.

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