Friday, April 5, 2013

Life lessons on date-ability.

We have this saying at 5am Group.  Actually.  It's not really a saying, it's kind of a whole CD of songs about The Shocker.  Something about 'two in the poon...'?

Luckily it's old news.  The new news is the New Guy that I've been dating.  And by 'dating' I mean that we've spent time together on three occasions.  Date #4 is tomorrow. This is exciting for everyone because - well, because it's not them.

I've been hitting the ho-train hard.  Jul signed me up for, and after some convincing and cat-fishing and several date-wrecks, New Guy is decent.  He has not given me poker chips to 'leverage on another date' (yes. that happened.) - and he does not overuse emoticons :) ;) and/or exclamation!!!!!! marks via text message.  Along with eye-contact and holding the door, I've decided that these are also non-negotiable.

I was talking this all over with Co-worker Joe. Co-worker Joe says that if a guy likes guns and can change a tire, then he's a keeper.  Co-worker Joe also says that you know a girl is a keeper if she deep throats.  I guess it's all relative.

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