Wednesday, May 29, 2013

ROC's Food Truck Rodeo: channel your inner fat kid

[via City of Rochester]
I'm not even channeling my 'inner' fat's my current, outer fat kid that is teeming and salivating with excitement.


Here's what's up:
"Just about everything and anything that is served from the back of a truck will be featured from food vendors including Le Petit Poutine, The Sammich Guy, Cheesed & Confused, Potatoes to Go...and many more!  Beer will be provided by Rohrbach Brewing Company, as well!"
That's excellent. The old guys and their garage bands are cool too.  But I'm about to make it rumble - as in, tummy rumble.  I imagine: skipping from truck to truck, double-fisting some gourmet goodness.  This must be like NYS Fair food on crack. *heel click*

How about The Sammich Guy for starts (because a guy who calls it a 'sammich' must know what he's doing) - and I'm not sure wtf poutine is but gimme some.

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